Upgrade Readiness Client Setup

Published on 07 July 2017

In the first post, I looked at how to enable Upgrade Readiness. This one will look at the client configuration.

How to Configure Clients

Once you have enabled Upgrade Readiness on your Azure tenant, you need to configure your clients. The first thing to do is go to check for your commercial ID. You find this in the "Solution settings" from the Upgrade Readiness console. OMS10

You will need that ID to put into a script that will be run on the desktops.

Connection Information for Data Sharing

Your clients will need to be able to get to the following sites:

The last one isn't microsoft.com, but it is a Microsoft domain and used by Azure. If you access the Internet throuh a proxy, you will need to configure some client settings.


You will need some patches installed before your clients can send data up. The patches you need, will depend on the OS you are running.

Windows 7



Windows 8.1



Windows 8

Yes, it works for Windows 8 too! If you are still on Windows 8 and didn't make the the jump for 8.1 for some reason, you are running an OS that is no longer in support, but you can still send telemetry data up to OMS. Yay! KB2976978 and KB3150513 both have versions available for Windows 8.

KB3080149 is also available for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 (no Windows 8 version unfortunately) to allow collection of data relating to IE site discovery. You will have to do without this information if you are on Windows 8 unfortunately.

Get the Installation Script

You also need to then run the installation scripts. The best approach I think is to do this manually on a handful of machines first. Once you have edited the script to add your commercial ID key, you can run it on the PCs where you have the correct hotfixes deployed, and it will start sending information to OMS. It can take three days for the information to show in OMS though, so don't be surprised if you don't see anything for a while. If you have monitoring on your Internet gateway though, you should see your machines connecting on a fairly regular basis (every 30 minutes). In our experience though, the total data sent for that first 24 period is less than 1MB/client, and it is delta changes after that (so even less).


After that, you can look to deploy the hotfixes and script via SCCM or similar.

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